Captions for Tiny Dicks

I wish you had a MUCH bigger cock
I wish you had a MUCH bigger cock
1 2
Mayly4711 Never heard this one. Usually a end comment, like your dick f..... Tint, your pin dicks usel...
Need2BeCaged I wished mine was even smaller Miss
No woman will ever want that dick
No woman will ever want that dick
3 2
Douglas t. Gugel This makes me cry !!!
littledickwanker jay Rejection makes me wank and wank my micro weewee
Such a little pinky dick
Such a little pinky dick
2 1
littledickwanker jay My pinky dick is thicker but certainly not as long.
That is a super small penis
That is a super small penis
3 2
Mayly4711 Are you sure,
littledickwanker jay Even thru a magnifying glass it's still a micro penis
Humping your fist again like a loser
Humping your fist again like a loser
1 3
smallcockloserjoy I am sorry Princess
Need2BeCaged I'm sorry it's so tiny Miss. Is it really useless??
clitpik I am so sorry MIstress
Keep stroking that tiny limp dick like a pervert
Keep stroking that tiny limp dick like a pervert
1 3
johnnyanderson I'd love to make you laugh.
littledickwanker jay please , please !
Need2BeCaged Yes Miss, anything you wish
Everybody knows about your tiny weenie
Everybody knows about your tiny weenie
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Anton I’m a Tiny dick
littledickwanker jay patti and debbie told everybody
Your dick is so small it’s cute lol
Your dick is so small it’s cute lol
1 2
sissybetaboi I'm your little penis boi
littledickwanker jay I'm still mommy's tiny peepee boi
Your little dick does not satisfy me
Your little dick does not satisfy me
OMG small penis? That’s super small
OMG small penis? That’s super small
2 2
littledickwanker jay Can I show you how i jerk it off with just two fingers ~?
Vanessa44099584 That's how women react, when they see my penis...
Sissy Webcam Trainers
Pathetic dicks aren’t allowed near pussy
Pathetic dicks aren’t allowed near pussy
1 1
littledickwanker jay OH gosh nothing would make me feel more pathetic and humiliated than to show you how tiny my...
This ass is not for 3 inch shrimp dicks
This ass is not for 3 inch shrimp dicks
1 2
Douglas t. Gugel aka tiny dick sissy faggot wimp What about 2inch shrimp dicks ? Ok I'm sorry my tiny shrimp dick is so tiny please forgive m...
littledickwanker jay Getting the fuck out of there !
That is not a cock
That is not a cock
2 1
littledickwanker jay Nope, no one ever called what I got a "cock". A clit !? Yep i've heard that before...
No your boner isn’t average
No your boner isn’t average
2 2
Douglas t. Gugel aka tiny dick sissy faggot wimp Ok I'm sorry my tiny micropenis and miniballs are so small
Vanessa44099584 I used to think I'm average... but I know better now, my penis is very small...
Penis Ratings
Sorry but that’s a REALLY small dick
Sorry but that’s a REALLY small dick
1 1
Douglas t. Gugel aka tiny dick sissy faggot wimp I'm sorry and I apologize but I can't help it that my tiny micropenis and miniballs are so t...
You have an itty bitty dick
You have an itty bitty dick
2 3
Douglas t. Gugel aka tiny dick sissy faggot wimp Yes I know I know that's what everyone tells me my entire life !!!
littledickwanker jay Hey doug , me too !
Vanessa44099584 I would like to hear a woman say that to me...
Your little dick wouldn’t even reach the hole
Your little dick wouldn’t even reach the hole
1 1
littledickwanker jay I can't stop looking and wanking but she's right about my little dick.
A tube of lipstick is bigger than your dick
A tube of lipstick is bigger than your dick
1 1
littledickwanker jay Yes a tube of your lipstick is much longer and probably a bit thicker as well than my micro ...
Show your penis to women online
Are you sure it’s all the way in? Seriously
Are you sure it’s all the way in? Seriously
1 1
junior_g_man Lol yeah thats basically most of my sex life
That dick is too small for sex
That dick is too small for sex
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littledickwanker jay My micro penis is just tooooo small for sex !
Vanessa44099584 I learned that, when I was trying to have sex in doggystyle and my tiny penis kept sliding o...
Nicholais Thats why im still a lonely virgin boy😢😭
The water is not even cold!
The water is not even cold!
1 1
randyluke I know I do
Coronavirus is shrinking your dick
Coronavirus is shrinking your dick
You are definitely a small dick club member
You are definitely a small dick club member
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littledickwanker jay Yes matter of fact I'm a Gold level member of the Small Dick Club
Nicholais Proud member
You call that a cock? (SPH Captions)
You call that a cock? (SPH Captions)
Have a small penis? Get used to this look
Have a small penis? Get used to this look


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