Captions for Tiny Dicks

Little dick isn’t doing it for me
Little dick isn’t doing it for me
3 1
wannabesphcuck Waiting for my wife to say this, getting the feeling its close.
Little Itty Bitty Dicky
Little Itty Bitty Dicky
4 3
wannabesphcuck Found out she told them all at an Ann summers party a few years back
Anni13 I wish
Vanessa44099584 It would be so embarassing if so many women would show me the tiny dick sign...
Shut up! I wear heels bigger than your dick!
Shut up! I wear heels bigger than your dick!
1 6
ShowYourTinyDick Too frigging funny!
Anni13 So true lmao
Dicky hang down past your balls?
Dicky hang down past your balls?
3 9
tinyppsissywimp Believe me Iknow I'm just a sissy bitch wimp faggot & NOT a real man ! My ex wife & ...
Adultbabyfaggotgurl My tiny lil dicky has never been past my balls ever , it doesn't go past my jeans so I pee m...
Adultbabyfaggotgurl Dear, SYTD , my ex girlfriend was wondering if you could either put some of my extremely hum...
Now that’s a tiny dick!
Now that’s a tiny dick!
4 3
wannabesphcuck Yup, she got me.
pindickrob Amazing how easily a girl holding two fingers can exactly define us losers.
Vanessa44099584 This is the kind of reaction I wanna get from a woman looking at my penis...
Your little cock is pathetic!
Your little cock is pathetic!
2 2
expoguy Great way to start the new year..
Mistress’s Cock Slave Check List
Mistress’s Cock Slave Check List
2 2
expoguy 20% eligible... but wow, am i ever good at ass worship.
Vanessa44099584 1. Small & hhin dick (4.2 Inches Girth) --> Failed 2. Short shaft (4.7 Inches) -->...


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