Captions SPH

Your little dick secret is out
Your little dick secret is out
rushbiOV23 That’s kind of the point
Black Cuckold Everyone is gonna laugh at my black micro penis!
Omg he has a small dick
Omg he has a small dick
littledickwanker jay So many of my opportunities led to so many rejections...
Black Cuckold Yes I do. My little black penis is pathetic.
Asian girlfriend destroys small dick boyfriend’s dignity
Asian girlfriend destroys small dick boyfriend& ...
1 1
littledickwanker jay My baby wee wee makes girls hysterical with laughter.
Stroke that needle dick
Stroke that needle dick
Gerb Yes, I'm pussy free...
littledickwanker jay i pinch and wiggle my wee wee chronically and compusively. i'm a 50 yo old virgin with a mic...
Tinyold4 Pussy free for decades , constantly trying to rub off my tiny limp dick when I can like now ...
Average six inch cocks are never enough
Average six inch cocks are never enough
Horny guy I expect mine isn’t enough then 🤣
Smalls10799 My wife tells me that every time I pull it out!
Clearly your penis never grew all the way
Clearly your penis never grew all the way
littledickwanker jay Nope, it reached its max when i was 7 yo !
Teeny peeny donny My little 4 inch boner just leaked reading this!
Tinyold4 Reading this my loser baby dick dribbled in agreement
Small dicks never destroy pussy caption
Small dicks never destroy pussy caption
littledickwanker jay i can't even penetrate pussy much less tickle it !
Teeny peeny donny I get penatration but I've only got 4 inches raging hard
Funny looking little dick caption
Funny looking little dick caption
Sissy Dick Comparison Challenge
Sissy Dick Comparison Challenge
Smallandsoft2020 So hot. I wish I had a regular size cock
Zel Easily passed me 4 inches and in thickness~
Tinyold4 Used to get my tiny one to 3” now just limp1.25” constantly beats me past and present by a mile
Small penises get to jerk off alone for life
Small penises get to jerk off alone for life
littledickwanker jay YUP, total jerk-off here all my life !
Sissy Webcam Trainers
Goddesses never settle for less in the dick department
Goddesses never settle for less in the dick dep ...
Boi Can u rate mine
littledickwanker jay Yes, and i crave, deserve and receive SPH !
faggg I am sorry that i am so tiny.
Locked in chastity by girlfriend and friends
Locked in chastity by girlfriend and friends
Chronic masturbating guy with a small dick
Chronic masturbating guy with a small dick
1 4
littledickwanker jay LittledickwankerJay is a chronic masturbating beta with a really tiny micro weewee! Girls c...
Ldlsphd And so proud to be
These Asian tits are too big for your worm penis
These Asian tits are too big for your worm penis
1 1
littledickwanker jay Of course HER tits are way out of my league. Asian Girls tell me all the time i have a tiny ...
Penis Ratings
Your penis is too short for this ride
Your penis is too short for this ride
2 3
littledickwanker jay i got used to my two fingers long ago. No pussy for micropenis losers like littledickJAY.
Chrisissy Yes that is why we are sissies! The only way to we will have any pleasure with a pussy is wa...
Tinyold4 Just don’t have the size to enter pussy and pleasure it ,so reduced to watching real men at ...
She told her friends about your micro penis
She told her friends about your micro penis
1 4
littledickwanker jay Of course my tiny micropeepee jizzed and jizzed when i found out SHE told all HER friends h...
SissyFaggotSeanette Come on is it a small penis or a HUGE CUNT HOLE...Don't matter to me I am a cd and love cock
Tinyold4 She told her friends and that she has a lover who fucks her and I get no sex
His white cock is way bigger than yours
His white cock is way bigger than yours
Big Cock Slave They make my tiny asian rice dick cum in my pants
Big Cock Slave Same here. My little rice noodle is barely 3.5in long
littledickwanker jay Knowing my pathetic unfuckable tiny micro penis can't fuck HER pussy from the front much les...
Goddess spots your little bulge
Goddess spots your little bulge
Show your penis to women online
Your Small Penis vs Big White Cock
Your Small Penis vs Big White Cock
jcaps10 whats crazy is that the smaller dick in this post is actually huge compared to us real small...
littledickwanker jay YES it's amazing how tiny us micro peepee "guys" are compared to average dicks and real men'...
Sissy slave Yeah the smaller one is still massive compared to my useless caged one
Tiny dick pervert cums quick
Tiny dick pervert cums quick
littledickwanker jay Yes, yes, gross tiny dick perverts like littledickwankerJAY always lick up their impotent, ...
Tinyold4 Tiny dick premature wanker with useless infertile cum I must clean when told


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