Just a day in the life of my cock

Hairy balls
Hairy balls
2 6
bredbottom Looks delicious <3
Horny guy Do it get hard I wonder? Can it cum? And yes shave it
mrdicklittle I would be more than happy to give you a taste.
Dickless Balls
Dickless Balls
mrdicklittle Thank you. I really like the look. Gets a lot of attention.
mrdicklittle Small dick to begin with, and then get old and fat.
littledickwanker jay Tiny diagnosed microdick to begin with, and getting old and fat causes my micropenis to disa...
Dickless Balls
Dickless Balls
Horny guy It’s smaller than my dicklet, needs shaving
mrdicklittle I would love to get it next to yours!!!
Ingramwill You make me horny
Lost in the forest
Lost in the forest
bredbottom Mmmmmmm, so hott <3
mrdicklittle Maybe so, but nearly as hot as yours.
Ingramwill You both Fucking Hot
That’s it
That’s it
bredbottom More than enough <3
Eugene222 I want to sit on it
Horny guy Tiny little thing
Calm down ladies
Calm down ladies
bredbottom That is SOO HOTT <3
Eugene222 I would take this dick in my mouth
Mistress E Cute, shave those balls and it would be so adorable
How do I measure up
How do I measure up
bredbottom I'd love to take real good care of it <3
Horny guy Ok so yes it’s hard, nice
mrdicklittle That would be heaven.
Big balls, tiny hardon
Big balls, tiny hardon
bredbottom I want it! <3
mrdicklittle It’s all yours. Just the thought of that has me dribbling all over myself
Ingramwill Yummy 🤤 my mouth is watering
My monster
My monster
mrdicklittle Good question, I don’t have a good answer.
ron3844 I think the balls look big because of the dicklet is so tiny


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