Rating Penises

How does my dick rate?
How does my dick rate?
Will I ever get to have sex? No
Will I ever get to have sex? No
My girlfriend says I’m big enough, is she lying?
My girlfriend says I’m big enough, is she lying?
TRAINED CUCKOLD SISSY FAGGOT Yes, let a real cock fuck her and she wont lie no more, she wont be able to
Not too big I admit, hopefully enough though
Not too big I admit, hopefully enough though
Rate my hard black cocklette!
Rate my hard black cocklette!
Halfcock I’ll give it 8 licks
Kipper6819 Its worthy of a good tongue lashing
Grown ass man with a boy-dick
Grown ass man with a boy-dick
1 3
Kipper6819 Needs a cage on it so he gets no pleasure from it then he will know how his wife feels
Kara Lol! Poor thing...😂
SMALL-DICK Damn, And it's HARD!!!
How does your hard cock compare to this?
How does your hard cock compare to this?
Beta_wannabe_alpha Not even close to your size!!
mikejct79 No comparison
Should my girlfriend cheat when my dick is this size?
Should my girlfriend cheat when my dick is this ...
Short Dick Man Wants Honest Penis Opinion
Short Dick Man Wants Honest Penis Opinion
Tiny weewee I think I'm about that size
Short Thin Pussy Dick on Display
Short Thin Pussy Dick on Display
Sissy Denver what a baby pussy dick
Sissy Webcam Trainers
Is my dick a good size? I eat ass because I can’t get any!
Is my dick a good size? I eat ass because I can ...
What do you think of my hairy clit dick?
What do you think of my hairy clit dick?
Dalton and his tiny hard dick, what do you think?
Dalton and his tiny hard dick, what do you think?
Gripping as low as possible but it’s still just a small cock
Gripping as low as possible but it’s still just ...
theCOCKroach Oh i beg to differ sweetie! 😍🤤
Penis Ratings
Rate my dick and be brutally honest please
Rate my dick and be brutally honest please
1 1
theCOCKroach i'm kinda biased, since I've always loved Ewoks but, i'll say you're a Strong 2.3!!😍🍤💋
Did my tiny feet give me a tiny penis, or did my tiny penis give me tiny feet?
Did my tiny feet give me a tiny penis, or did m ...
Rate this cockhead
Rate this cockhead
oldwetman59 awesome big, want taste him
Is it at least a little fat?
Is it at least a little fat?
Show your penis to women online
Hey, what do you think about the size of my dick?
Hey, what do you think about the size of my dick?
aksmdick That's a big cock! Wish mine stood up like that. Please make me your bitch.
anoxic That's the kind of cock you don't complain about -
sytd: Rate my dick and be brutally honest please
sytd: Rate my dick and be brutally honest please
Rate this tiny dick
Rate this tiny dick
Is it small? You don’t even have a dick, so yeah.
Is it small? You don’t even have a dick, so yeah.
How do you all rate this hard cock?
How do you all rate this hard cock?
What do You think about this lil’ guy?
What do You think about this lil’ guy?
Even with the cocklette ring it’s too short
Even with the cocklette ring it’s too short


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