Rating Penises

Opinions? Small or big?
Opinions? Small or big?
theCOCKroach Ummm, delicious?! 👅👌😍
What do you think of this ginger dick?
What do you think of this ginger dick?
Am I up to scratch?
Am I up to scratch?
Is this classed as a tiny 6 inch
Is this classed as a tiny 6 inch
Some rate this morning boner
Some rate this morning boner
Is my penis too small? I’ve always felt embarrassed by it
Is my penis too small? I’ve always felt embarra ...
Onorato Gillar din kuk 👍
Low hand gripping and ready for rating
Low hand gripping and ready for rating
Rate this hard dick
Rate this hard dick
Weird Deformed Tip Dick
Weird Deformed Tip Dick
SmallPenisVirgin i think he has a tight foreskin ( phimosis ) and its probably pulling his frenulum real tigh...
I’m proud of my manly beautiful cock. Circumcised and clean -…
I’m proud of my manly beautiful cock. Circumcis ...
Phinchy It is rather nice.
Sissy Webcam Trainers
It’s so tiny when it’s soft… But it eventually gets bigger!
It’s so tiny when it’s soft… But it eventually ...
Honest opinion? As of right now? Small
Honest opinion? As of right now? Small
Is my dick really that small? Yes
Is my dick really that small? Yes
I’ve been wanting to piledrive a bbw for so long
I’ve been wanting to piledrive a bbw for so long
Penis Ratings
Got really hard today after seeing a really hot wife customer
Got really hard today after seeing a really hot ...
1 1
theCOCKroach If you Ever need Any aSISStance with that, pleeeaase let me know! 😍❤💦
My small dick feels so good! What you all think
My small dick feels so good! What you all think
theCOCKroach 🤤❤ i'd like to find out for myself!
What the hell kinda mess is this
What the hell kinda mess is this
Do I fit in your blog anywhere?
Do I fit in your blog anywhere?
Show your penis to women online
Rate or laugh at my tiny cock?
Rate or laugh at my tiny cock?
Boned up and ball-less
Boned up and ball-less
Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?
LittleJimmy Yes, you would definitely change my wife..for the better.
Christinerose I want to please it
Billsbeauties Yummy
Be as harsh and cruel as you like!
Be as harsh and cruel as you like!
What do you think? I should be locked and cucked or not?
What do you think? I should be locked and cucke ...
Verdict: Walnut Whip Dick
Verdict: Walnut Whip Dick
Phinchy Does look a bit like a walnut whip, would look lovely shaved.
My average black cock for rating.
My average black cock for rating.


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