Size Matters

Tell everyone you have a small dick
Tell everyone you have a small dick
littledickwanker jay i have a really really tiny micro peepee !
fnk52166820 I have a micropenis and no balls.
rushbiOV23 I have a small penis 4 1/2” x 4”
Do you measure up? Size matters
Do you measure up? Size matters
1 2
littledickwanker jay Erect i'm between Dickless and Micro Dick. Flaccid - i disappear !
Micrococok Flaccid I'm a clit dick hard I'm a shrimpdick
Size Matters – No Tiny Dicks Allowed
Size Matters – No Tiny Dicks Allowed
Princess talks about how small your dick is
Princess talks about how small your dick is
littledickwanker jay Experience tells me that my micro penis is too damn small for any woman on earth.
Your dick is too small for her
Your dick is too small for her
3 6
Gerb Yes, I tell my dick is tiny and cannot fuck. Licking only.
SissyPantyWaist Well yes and that I want to be like her. I want to have big boobs, a sexy ass in a tight to ...
Wanker-Boi I don't need to tell myself, but I would love her to tell me my penis is too small for her, ...
Dating profiles need to list dick size so women can avoid losers
Dating profiles need to list dick size so women ...
unfuckable Luckily, My face is so ugly that no Woman wants me anyway. But yes, it would be great to hav...
Your penis is not even close to big enough
Your penis is not even close to big enough
TinylittleShrimpDick Omg my penis really is sooo tiny its actually smaller than a shrimp
littledickwanker jay O Yeah, i sure remember HER from SHE gave great ...
Your date was going well until dick size came up
Your date was going well until dick size came up
SissyPantyWaist That and she found all my panties and dresses
Show Your Tiny Dick Just like your ex-girlfriend did.
Your penis is just not big enough
Your penis is just not big enough
littledickwanker jay i know! That's why i'm on my knees masturbating for you like a frenzied monkey!
Penis size matters and yours deserves small penis humiliation
Penis size matters and yours deserves small pen ...
PinkPantyChad Every girl I've dated has cheated on me and I completely understand why it's because I have ...
Branwanker May we get a small penis contest going please?
unfuckable When Women say size doesn't matter, isn't that because it's not that important if it's big o...
Sissy Webcam Trainers
3in vs 5in Dicks
3in vs 5in Dicks
1 7
MikeSmall What? 5 inches is too small? I just have 3,93 inches 😳
littledickwanker jay Gosh Yes ! I luv watching and wanking my micro wee wee while beautiful girls service big bea...
Tinyold4 I’m 3” and know it’s useless for sex always wished for 5” but that too not good enough, pus...
When his dick is too small
When his dick is too small
littledickwanker jay Size matters. My pathetic 2 inch erect micro peepee can't even penetrate past pussy lips.!
Size matters and Terry does not meet the minimum
Size matters and Terry does not meet the minimum
Baby dick 😰😡
littledickwanker jay Emily is right to require size standards. SHE deserves better than what Terry has to offer..
Branwanker 😭😭😭
Every ex girlfriend deemed his penis too small for sexual activity
Every ex girlfriend deemed his penis too small ...
Femslut68 Not to small, I'd suck it...
DorisLoserPiotr so many ex gfs to compare with me:)
Robynteases never ever did he had so many gfs! guess all the names are that of prostitutes


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