Small Dicklette Captions

Your dick is woefully small
Your dick is woefully small
littledickwanker jay i turned HER into a believer once SHE saw how tiny my virgin micropenis was...
Kylelovescottonpanties Wanna expose pictures of my tiny penis to lots of people and post it in different places? I ...
Even nurses laugh at your small dick
Even nurses laugh at your small dick
Cageclitfabienne I had a such experience in a Tantra Massage Formation week. My Massage Partner couldn't find...
littledickwanker jay YUP, i can confirm thru personal experience that nurses have laughed and gossiped about my t...
Dick is not big enough to hang
Dick is not big enough to hang
Tormented about pussy free dicklette by friends of wife
Tormented about pussy free dicklette by friends ...
littledickwanker jay SPH is all i ever wanted from women.
Nothing but a shrimp dick joke
Nothing but a shrimp dick joke
littledickwanker jay With MY utterly laughable and pathetic MICRO shrimp dick i'm still a virgin and will in all...
Limp Dick Loser I’m an oral fucker
Another small dick loser
Another small dick loser
Tinyold4 That’s me
littledickwanker jay YUP A small dick loser is what i am and will always be.
Limp Dick Loser Sound about right
She knows about your SPH fetish and now you are screwed
She knows about your SPH fetish and now you are ...
littledickwanker jay YUP i always refer to the shame between my legs as my "little peepee" or my "little wee wee"...
Shrimp dick dweeb
Shrimp dick dweeb
littledickwanker jay Girls are always telling me that my penis is too small for sex and they are absolutely corre...
Strapon goddess humiliates inferior dicklette
Strapon goddess humiliates inferior dicklette
Tiny dick83 my tiny cock needs to be humiliated
See which step of the small dick loser stairs you are on
See which step of the small dick loser stairs y ...
Tinyold4 I’m definitely with littledickwanker on the steps of tiny loser
Sissy Webcam Trainers
Dildos feel better than small dicks
Dildos feel better than small dicks
2small4u my ex also preferd her dildo. my job was eating pussy
Tiny dick83 it's true my wife prefers to stick her big dildos in her pussy rather than my tiny cock
Your small impotent dick is the definition of loser
Your small impotent dick is the definition of loser
sissy_liv Omg I feel like this was directed at me...
littledickwanker jay i have a tiny peepee, i am a loser, i am a beta boi. But i'm not impotent. i can wank my ere...
Tinyold4 Definitely aimed towards me a tiny beta limp loser dick unable to give pleasure
Small penis can’t get hard enough for sex
Small penis can’t get hard enough for sex
1 1
littledickwanker jay Even if my micropenis got hard enough it certainly isn't big enough for sex !
That’s as big as your penis gets? Sad
That’s as big as your penis gets? Sad
Penis Ratings
She showed all of her friends how small your penis is
She showed all of her friends how small your pe ...
littledickwanker jay She showed all of her friends how small my penis was and i jerked off to cum from the humili...
Such a tiny unfuckable penis
Such a tiny unfuckable penis
ineedpanties I'm starting to feel like that's me.
Tiny dick83 my wife calls it little thing
Micro dick losers do not deserve pussy
Micro dick losers do not deserve pussy
3 5
Cucky So do I. And yes we do deserve it.
Harry99bob I agree they should not get with someone as good as you
Small wieners don’t get sexy lips
Small wieners don’t get sexy lips
littledickwanker jay Speaking from experience, YES we deserve sph captions and jerk off sessions! Only our two fi...
Cucky I’ll never have a big cock…
Show your penis to women online
Finger or Dick? When you can’t tell..
Finger or Dick? When you can’t tell..
SissySonny That usually happens to me! 😳
Even erect your cock is small
Even erect your cock is small
2 3
littledickwanker jay My erection is so tiny , girls don't even believe i'm totally erect !
Bimbo Tori My ex said something similar to me. Brutal
Tiny dick83 even in erection my wife laughs she doesn't feel anything when I penetrate her
Pinky dick is barely thicker than her finger
Pinky dick is barely thicker than her finger
1 2
littledickwanker jay O dear, my erection is even shorter than her pinky!
Tiny dick83 my wife has more pleasure with her fingers than with my tiny cock
Awkward moment you realize your dick is too short
Awkward moment you realize your dick is too short
littledickwanker jay YUP my useless micro peepee is totally unfuckable in any postion.
Tinyold4 Mine is absolutely iuseless to give satisfaction
Lick old pussy while getting your small penis humiliated
Lick old pussy while getting your small penis h ...
SmallPGuy I would love for this to happen to me!!
littledickwanker jay SHE's so Hot. She'd never have sex with my tiny micro penis. But HER verbal abuse would keep...
MikeSmall of course i would lick her pussy and Ass too if she want it 😳
Your small penis is already in?! Nooo
Your small penis is already in?! Nooo
Nobody wants a small dick loser
Nobody wants a small dick loser
cjack That is true. Now back to this post,,,, I would lick eat and suck her pussy and ass. It just...
Littleone2010 I would totally agree. I could do it for hours. Love her hair colour.
littledickwanker jay Whereas i would love to masturbate for hours absorbing the cruelest and most degrading SPH f...


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