Small Penis Captions

3 little lame inches of dick
3 little lame inches of dick
Lost bet exposed small penis in a thong bikini
Lost bet exposed small penis in a thong bikini
littledickwanker jay i luv all the women laughing and taking pics of my micro wee wee. i enjoy the public humili...
Streaking with his small penis out
Streaking with his small penis out
littledickwanker jay Gotta love College girls SPH !
Small penis guy caught with his swim trunks down
Small penis guy caught with his swim trunks down
littledickwanker jay SHE told me i had the tiniest peepee SHE had ever seen !
Small penises do not deserve hot ass
Small penises do not deserve hot ass
Small Dick Alert
Small Dick Alert
MsElle My slaves is so tiny its disgusting
littledickwanker jay i have a temporary tattoo on my pubic mound that says "TINY"
Honey I shrunk my dick
Honey I shrunk my dick
You have the smallest penis ever
You have the smallest penis ever
littledickwanker jay Girls have told me all my life that i have the tiniest peepee they've ever seen on a grown "...
Do not ever call that small thing a dick
Do not ever call that small thing a dick
littledickwanker jay i call it a peepee, a wee wee, a nub, a maggot worm, etc.
Women will never feel your small dick
Women will never feel your small dick
Sissy Webcam Trainers
Shrinking down that small dick
Shrinking down that small dick
1 4
Sissy Donna Mine can’t get much smaller, but yes, Mistress, as you desire.
Tinyold4 Please do mistress my tiny one will disappear
littledickwanker jay i don't think it can shrink anymore, but i'll certainly let HER try !
Little button mushroom penis
Little button mushroom penis
littledickwanker jay Not at all ! Mind if i drop to my knees and wank it with two fingers for YOU !?
littledickwanker jay Not at all ! Mind if i drop to my knees and wank it with two fingers for YOU !?
Puny gross Vienna sausage penis
Puny gross Vienna sausage penis
littledickwanker jay Most women refer to my micropenis as a pathetic disgusting maggot. Being compared to someth...
Wimp dicks can not handle the depth of this booty
Wimp dicks can not handle the depth of this booty
littledickwanker jay A wimp like littledickwanker Jay doesn't think. He just drops to his knees, starts to jerk o...
Penis Ratings
Caught touching his super tiny penis
Caught touching his super tiny penis
littledickwanker jay YES, MILFS tell me all the time that my micro peepee acorn dick
Small limp dicks stay home jerking off
Small limp dicks stay home jerking off
littledickwanker jay i do, i do stay home and jerk off day and night. It's so much more enjoyable than going out!
Small penis and no confidence? Keep crying
Small penis and no confidence? Keep crying
littledickwanker jay i was born with a tiny micropenis and gradually developed no confidence in my ability to sat...
Tinyold4 That literally is me born with a tiny cock , confidence smashed by humiliating comments and ...
We never knew penises came that small
We never knew penises came that small
1 2
littledickwanker jay See how much i can teach you, girls !
MikeSmall2.0 I'm sorry for my tiny Dick
Show your penis to women online
Damn you do have a small penis
Damn you do have a small penis
MikeSmall2.0 Yes 😳
Tiny dick83 Yes My Penis it’s very very small πŸ˜‚πŸ€πŸ˜‚
Your dick is too small to have sex with
Your dick is too small to have sex with
unfuckable Yes, it literally is. It can only just penetrate and can't stay in and provides no pleasure ...
His penis was too small to feel anything
His penis was too small to feel anything
shrimpdickloserfaggot i heard this a lot of times
unfuckable Never had this reaction, but only got that far with one Woman in my life, and it turned out ...
It looks like a penis only way smaller
It looks like a penis only way smaller
littledickwanker jay Most girls say what i have looks like a clit only a little girthier!
Sissy Donna is a Small Penis Club Member for Life
Sissy Donna is a Small Penis Club Member for Life
1 1
fag bob dutch with my tiny dick i belong there to
OMG! Your dick is so small
OMG! Your dick is so small
1 2
littledickwanker jay i'm so used to small dick humiliation and beating off to caption pics that i call it GR8 Sex.
Nike13s2 Small humiliation is so good
Your dick is too small to fuck my tits
Your dick is too small to fuck my tits
Juaan3rd Its not big enough, i love ur tits...stroking while viewing them, where can i show you my sm...
littledickwanker jay My nano-dick is too small to fuck your tits but i think it's big enough to fuck your belly b...


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