Small Penis Captions

Guys with small penises are banned from touching boobs caption
Guys with small penises are banned from touchin ...
She only told Becky about your little penis
She only told Becky about your little penis
littledickwanker jay Like Patti , she told everybody who knew us!
She told you size didn’t matter and you believed it
She told you size didn’t matter and you b ...
Tiniestdickwimpever I used to believe women when they used to tell me oh it's ok size doesn't matter it's how yo...
John10101 Whoever owns show your tiny dick is my absolute god. I used to be such a man now I have my d...
Friend didn’t believe penis could be that small
Friend didn’t believe penis could be that ...
littledickwanker jay SHE didn't have to ask me twice to pull it out ! SHE knows i crave and deserve SPH !
Nobody wants a man with a little penis
Nobody wants a man with a little penis
littledickwanker jay Me, LittledickJAY is proof. i've never even had a hand-job or blow-job and probably never wi...
Tinydick69 My girlfriend fucks around and I don't mind
Small dicks are for cucking
Small dicks are for cucking
littledickwanker jay Debbie M. and Inez W. knew that my tiny micro wee wee was for cucking. Their boyfriends/bull...
Great tongue? Just say you have a tiny penis
Great tongue? Just say you have a tiny penis
Don johnson True. And by the way , I have a great tongue.
Everyone is laughing at your small penis
Everyone is laughing at your small penis
littledickwanker jay SPH is gr8 sex for micropenis beta bois like littledickJay~
Women of all sizes will reject small penises
Women of all sizes will reject small penises
1 1
littledickwanker jay That's certainly been my experience all my life !
Not letting a penis that small inside me
Not letting a penis that small inside me
sissy_liv Well then how about my tongue?
littledickwanker jay That's OK; it's toooo tiny to get inside you anyway !
Sissy Webcam Trainers
Locking up that short dick
Locking up that short dick
2 6
Foap Not me mate...
Tiniestdickwimpever My Lil tiny one has never made it past any of my ex girlfriend's butt cheek's ever !!! That'...
Tarawilk795 Well then my destiny is set. Cage bound it is.
Too much ass for a wimp with a tiny dick
Too much ass for a wimp with a tiny dick
SissyPantyWaist well I was thinking about I would look in that bikini...and about how worthless I would be a...
littledickwanker jay What do i think...? I can’t fuck anyone cuz my dick is so fucking small so I watch how real ...
Justasmallone Oh my just perfect 😍😍😍
Boners under seven inches long can get lost
Boners under seven inches long can get lost
Micro Penis or Jumbo Clitoris
Micro Penis or Jumbo Clitoris
1 3
Baby dick Micro 😒😨😨
littledickwanker jay littledickwankerJay's wee wee doesn't even qualify as a jumbo clit
Cucky I’ve been told mine is a micro penis, or large clit. Jumbo clit? Definitely not.
Penis Ratings
Boners are not supposed to be that small
Boners are not supposed to be that small
1 1
littledickwanker jay SHE's absolutely correct. My boner is barely over 2 inches !
Painful words for a small penis to hear
Painful words for a small penis to hear
2 2
littledickwanker jay Better for me when girls leave out the sympathetic "aww" and just give me the brutal sting o...
SmallPGuy I actually like hearing this. Makes me feel embarrassed and turned on all at once!
The saddest dick ever
The saddest dick ever
1 1
littledickwanker jay YUP my micro penis is the real thing; diagnosed by Dr. S. Harris and re-confirming his diagn...
Do you have a small penis? Prove it
Do you have a small penis? Prove it
2 11
Tiny dick83 my micro penis, as my wife says she is really very very small 7 inches erect
Kevjs35 I’d like to get this tattooed on my arm
Justasmallone Yes I do just about 4 hard
Show your penis to women online
History lesson for little dicks
History lesson for little dicks
1 1
Sofa90790092 You can exposure my micropenis if you want. I would love it if you do it
Small cocks barely deserve their own hand pussy
Small cocks barely deserve their own hand pussy
littledickwanker jay Finger pussy and sph is my idea of GR8 Sex!
Busted with a four inch dick
Busted with a four inch dick
littledickwanker jay But can i interest you in my 2 inch erect wee wee!?
Guys with small penises must wear panties now
Guys with small penises must wear panties now
lesloups01 So true. But they feel nicer too 😊
littledickwanker jay I make less of a bulge in panties than women do !
sissyjuliegurl Just seems and feels right
The humiliating reality of the tiny dick hamper fairy
The humiliating reality of the tiny dick hamper ...
SissyPantyWaist join the club
Big Cock Slave I love sniffing white girl's panties. Their pussies smell so sweet and that ass is to die for.
Branwanker you are welcomed brother
Adam has a micro penis, wears panties and premature ejaculates constantly
Adam has a micro penis, wears panties and prema ...
Thumb dick is missing most of his cock
Thumb dick is missing most of his cock
Littlewhitedick i am the same , where is my dick, its so small and sad i am a small. tiny dick faggot. i ge...
littledickwanker jay i can't stroke my micro wee wee cuz i have almost no shaft - all head. so i pinch and wiggle...


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