When manscaping goes terribly wrong
When you give it all you got
With a clit like Casey’s..
Daily reminder that size does matter
Your small dick would vanish between my tits
Cocklette Club Members Only Card
Guy with little cock thought he was hot
Everyone knows how small your dick is
The beach bullies are all gone now
My ex was bigger than you when he was limp
I only fuck guys who can wear magnums
Worst case scenario because of my little dick
Having a three inch penis
We will stick with the tutoring, Tiny
Now that is a wimpy little dicklette
I already told you that your dick doesn’t ...
I am having trouble finding your dick
Your dick is thinner than a straw
We all love laughing at your little penis
Tiny dick slave slut sinks to new low
Your small penis isn’t meant for penetration
Your dick is 3 inches long on a good day
Tiny dick two pump chump that got dumped