Clit Dicks

Clit dicks are penises that are far too small to be considered a real dick. You’ll see that you don’t even need to be a total sissy to have a clit dick. Browse and laugh at all the clitty cocks or grow a pair and post your own tiny dick.

Goddess laughs at sissy clits while streaming
Goddess laughs at sissy clits while streaming
littledickwanker jay YES i want to pulll down my purple panties and wank while SHE laughs at my tiny sissy clitty.
Denver Shoemaker’s clit dick makes a cameltoe in his panties
Denver Shoemaker’s clit dick makes a came ...
Denver Shoemaker admits he is hungry for cock
Denver Shoemaker admits he is hungry for cock
Sissy Fairy Mark tells all with his tiny clit dick showing
Sissy Fairy Mark tells all with his tiny clit d ...
Strapon craving sissy gooners and tiny dick losers report to mistress
Strapon craving sissy gooners and tiny dick los ...
Lilttledick313 I would love to make my lil cocklit cum as you hammer my ass wth that strapon
Julia love it
Tinyold4 Mistress make me take it all please ,, pound away as you wish I’m a tiny dick loser who crav...
Denver Shoemaker shows off big nipples and a fat camel toe
Denver Shoemaker shows off big nipples and a fa ...
Sissyluv That's hot
Denver Shoemaker rocks thongs at Walmart in Berlin Maryland
Denver Shoemaker rocks thongs at Walmart in Ber ...
1 3
Sissyluv I've noticed there's pretty much ONLY women in the panty section at Walmart.
Denver Shoemaker Totally hot and humiliating too!
SissyAJ At least you were able to bring a smile to Walmart!
Micro Penis or Jumbo Clitoris
Micro Penis or Jumbo Clitoris
1 3
Baby dick Micro 😢😨😨
littledickwanker jay littledickwankerJay's wee wee doesn't even qualify as a jumbo clit
Cucky I’ve been told mine is a micro penis, or large clit. Jumbo clit? Definitely not.
Sissy clit dick ratings by Mistress Mischa
Sissy clit dick ratings by Mistress Mischa
Locked for good
Locked for good
Sissy Webcam Trainers
Alpha Male POV vs Beta Sissy Simp POV
Alpha Male POV vs Beta Sissy Simp POV
Mark reveals his small feminine penis
Mark reveals his small feminine penis
Show Your Tiny Dick Talk about a gay face lol
Your sissy clit will fit in these just fine
Your sissy clit will fit in these just fine
1 2
SmallPGuy Oh they would be a perfect fit! And I want to wear them. ☺️💕
Deepsouth123 YES I'd love to wear them... Fit my clitty just right 🥰💋
Sissy Tori showing of my tiny dick
Sissy Tori showing of my tiny dick
cjack Cute little clitty!
littledickwanker jay You're obviously going in the right direction!
Penis Ratings
Inferior Black Sissy Clitty
Inferior Black Sissy Clitty
Mark Bennett Nice dark cock.
cjack Cute little black clitty.
Shrink that sissy dick into a tiny clit
Shrink that sissy dick into a tiny clit
1 2
littledickwanker jay Perfect progression
sissytanyakane Done and Done..I went from 7 inches to not quite 3 inches and it's still shrinking 🤏💞💋
Show everybody how pathetic your clit dick is
Show everybody how pathetic your clit dick is
2 3
Sofa90790092 You can show to all the world how small I am..I love public humiliation
Branwanker In my profile pic
littledickwanker jay She didn't have to ask me twice. I love to pull my pants down and show everybody how tiny my...
Show your penis to women online
Dick looks like a clit: Congrats you are a sissy girl now
Dick looks like a clit: Congrats you are a siss ...
Confession by Denver Shoemaker: What I wear under my work clothes
Confession by Denver Shoemaker: What I wear und ...
Innie cock
Innie cock
littledickwanker jay and just what is it that we're looking at !?
cjack Some kind of clit with foreskin maybe?
cjack No it certainly will not! Lol
Chastised sissy learned a lesson
Chastised sissy learned a lesson
Shrinking his small penis into a clit using a chastity device
Shrinking his small penis into a clit using a c ...
SmallPGuy So cute!!
Justasmallone That's what my wife is doing to me..
Your penis is a clit
Your penis is a clit
1 6
Adashah That's true. One of my ex-girlfriends had a large clit and labia. When we were wearing simil...
littledickwanker jay Yup, women's clits are often bigger than my flaccid and erect clitdick! No one ever called w...
AlBarbaBoss Can you check my penis on my profile and tell me is it big or small? Anyway you can be my G...
Little clit dick guy
Little clit dick guy
bredbottom You're soo sexy!! <3


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