Small Dick Captions

Wife will not let small dick cum
Wife will not let small dick cum
Wife does not let me have sex due to small dick and balls
Wife does not let me have sex due to small dick ...
littledickwanker jay YES Patti also let me jerk off my tiny penis, but paid me no attention while i wanked!
Someone caption for me!
Someone caption for me!
Ms.hardhulk Yes that is where I would need you!
bredbottom Would you mind terribly if i gave it a suck? You could humiliate us both if you'd like..
Ms.hardhulk Haha no, probably all he deserves anyway
Having sex with a small beta dick
Having sex with a small beta dick
littledickwanker jay Ah , now i know why i'm still a virgin at 50 yo !
Nobody wants a small dick man
Nobody wants a small dick man
Asian hottie laughs at your tiny penis
Asian hottie laughs at your tiny penis
Do not ever call that small thing a dick
Do not ever call that small thing a dick
littledickwanker jay i call it a peepee, a wee wee, a nub, a maggot worm, etc.
No woman wants a small dick near her pussy
No woman wants a small dick near her pussy
Comfortable-Hippo893 Y'all are laughing aren't you
hard14U nice! rate my cock pics
Women will never feel your small dick
Women will never feel your small dick
Shrinking down that small dick
Shrinking down that small dick
1 4
Sissy Donna Mine can’t get much smaller, but yes, Mistress, as you desire.
Tinyold4 Please do mistress my tiny one will disappear
littledickwanker jay i don't think it can shrink anymore, but i'll certainly let HER try !
Sissy Webcam Trainers
Your guys’ cocks are huge compared to my hubby!
Your guys’ cocks are huge compared to my hubby!
Ms.hardhulk Awe thank you!
Sissy Donna I can definitely relate to hubby
Ms.hardhulk Haha, it’s not your fault
Small dicks can buy drinks but they are never getting action
Small dicks can buy drinks but they are never g ...
Boners that small do not get pussy
Boners that small do not get pussy
littledickwanker jay My erect micropenis is barely two inches. i can't even penetrate passt pussy lips.
Smallsph23 Guess I will stay pussyfree then 😫
Small dick loser pay pig keeps sending money
Small dick loser pay pig keeps sending money
Penis Ratings
Another small dick loser
Another small dick loser
Tinyold4 That’s me
littledickwanker jay YUP A small dick loser is what i am and will always be.
Limp Dick Loser Sound about right
The smallest dick I have ever seen in my life
The smallest dick I have ever seen in my life
littledickwanker jay And how often have i heard that said about my micro peepee....?!?!
2small4u yes
Real men do not have dicks that small
Real men do not have dicks that small
littledickwanker jay i'm a failed male. My virgin micro penis is proof ....
Caught touching his super tiny penis
Caught touching his super tiny penis
littledickwanker jay YES, MILFS tell me all the time that my micro peepee acorn dick
Show your penis to women online
Hubby Compared to Real Man Meat
Hubby Compared to Real Man Meat
cjack But hot! I think you'd love it!
Ms.hardhulk lol… I don’t think there is anyway I couldn’t! Lol
cjack I would just love watching you cum over and over again on two thick cocks ravaging you! I wa...
Small limp dicks stay home jerking off
Small limp dicks stay home jerking off
littledickwanker jay i do, i do stay home and jerk off day and night. It's so much more enjoyable than going out!
Attempted to impress me
Attempted to impress me
CuckyMN I can relate. 😔
cjack I can lift (bench 230) and have a nice big cock that can fuck you until you squirt! I'd love...
SPH makes guy premature ejaculate like a loser
SPH makes guy premature ejaculate like a loser
Sissy Donna I’m sorry, Mistress. It just leaked right out of my cage. I’ll go wash them
MikeSmall2.0 I think this would happen 😳
Tinyold4 I’m in this category a premature loser humiliation will just start me dribbling out a ruined...
She enjoys humiliating desperate simps
She enjoys humiliating desperate simps
sissy_liv Please humiliate me! push me down the rabbit hole! I'm a small dick simp
Hedge Please rate mine
MICROPE84213350 Post a pic of it soft and write the nick name it's been called the most on it. Example: SH...
Ebony goddess calls out small black pathetic dicks
Ebony goddess calls out small black pathetic dicks
Average Stunning
Women with small tits dislike tiny dicks
Women with small tits dislike tiny dicks


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