Small Dick Captions

Do you get it now?
Do you get it now?
cjack Oh yes, I will make it fit and you will thank me! Let me make your knees shake!
Ms.hardhulk Haha. I believe you would do you damndest to get it in there
cjack I would but only in a way that makes you feel really really good sweethart!
Too much ass for small dicks to handle
Too much ass for small dicks to handle
Small dick loser with premature ejaculation
Small dick loser with premature ejaculation
littledickwanker jay This is exactly what would happen if i was confronted with a nude girl. i'm a tiny dick unfu...
Tinyold4 This is my sad story a tiny dick looser, barely able get it up and when do premature ejacula...
Hubby can’t reach
Hubby can’t reach
cjack You know I'm a fan of your wife littleone. You are a lucky man!!!!!
Littleone2010 cjack as always thanks since her accident she has gained some weight she now thinks she is f...
cjack That’s great man!
Who’s next in line?
Who’s next in line?
Sissy Donna I wouldn’t make it through round 1!
Ms.hardhulk Oh that sounds so good right now, open it up
Ms.hardhulk Haha, that’s ok. It’d be fun for you to try
Her friends called you a small dick loser
Her friends called you a small dick loser
1 1
littledickwanker jay The word is out about littledickwanker Jay...
When fat ugly women turn down your small dick
When fat ugly women turn down your small dick
littledickwanker jay Equal opportunity beta boi reject here.
What do you think boys? Let me know
What do you think boys? Let me know
cjack Or if you want to be really mean, you can tell him he has to suck my cock if he wants to cum...
Denver Shoemaker He deserves to wear panties and suck real cocks lol
Sissydominator Keep.balls full.just edge the bitch
Big Tit Hotwife Needs Big Dick
Big Tit Hotwife Needs Big Dick
Ms.hardhulk If you were around I’d definitely give you a chance, would be to hard to rearrange farther t...
Juniorstacks You can name the time and place and I'll gladly show you what getting fucked right is all ab...
cjack I want to make her squirt! Most pussies do on my cock and man, she'd love it!
Bully Sized Dildo for wife
Bully Sized Dildo for wife
cjack Please me swap places with that dlido. My real throbbing cock is much thicker! Hubby can wat...
Sissy Webcam Trainers
Comparison someone sent me
Comparison someone sent me
Ms.hardhulk Mm we definitely did
robynbankzcd I prefer chubby hubby with his cute lil' cock.
Ms.hardhulk Awe thanks.. you may be the first! Lol
Hubby sends me selfie of Tiny Dick lol
Hubby sends me selfie of Tiny Dick lol
Gabriel How much cruelty in a single being. . . . . beautiful. the dream of every submissive
Ms.hardhulk Hubby’s is gorgeous isn’t it?
cjack I'd love to see how hard we could make him get!
Your dick doubled is still too small
Your dick doubled is still too small
SissyPantyWaist I can totally relate to both women and men rejecting me for my tiny clitty. That's why I hav...
Terry the Fairy That's rough lol
Terry the Fairy Prob how we're both better off. Just become sissy betas and submit to hot girls and big dick...
This sign and pic say it all!
This sign and pic say it all!
Penis Ratings
I love you and all but your dick is really small
I love you and all but your dick is really small
1 1
littledickwanker jay Given the choide Cuckolded would be my preferred status.
Taiwan tiny dick loser
Taiwan tiny dick loser
bennylin1215 Yes plz save and share Let the world know that I have a pathetic tiny loser rice dick
cjack Let me rub that cute dicklette with my cock!
latintx I’d love to shower with you….clean every inch of your fine body
Taiwan tiny dick loser exposed
Taiwan tiny dick loser exposed
Chronic masturbating guy with a small dick
Chronic masturbating guy with a small dick
1 4
littledickwanker jay LittledickwankerJay is a chronic masturbating beta with a really tiny micro weewee! Girls c...
Ldlsphd And so proud to be
Show your penis to women online
Small dicks are for cucking
Small dicks are for cucking
littledickwanker jay Debbie M. and Inez W. knew that my tiny micro wee wee was for cucking. Their boyfriends/bull...
How do I stroke my tiny shrimp dick?
How do I stroke my tiny shrimp dick?
Don johnson Stroke it with your thumb and finger. Its too little to wrap your hand around.
Small Dick Flick
Small Dick Flick
tsaint Thank you!! 🫣
Tinydick_chub1 love a hairy one
tsaint Would I look bigger with no hair lol 🤦‍♂️ 🤏🤫
Barely Over 5”
Barely Over 5”
Tiny 🍤 Dick
Tiny 🍤 Dick
Your dick is even smaller than I thought
Your dick is even smaller than I thought
2 1
Nobody wants a small dick loser
Nobody wants a small dick loser
cjack That is true. Now back to this post,,,, I would lick eat and suck her pussy and ass. It just...
Littleone2010 I would totally agree. I could do it for hours. Love her hair colour.
littledickwanker jay Whereas i would love to masturbate for hours absorbing the cruelest and most degrading SPH f...


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