Small Penis Facts

Someone caption for me!
Someone caption for me!
Ms.hardhulk Yes that is where I would need you!
bredbottom Would you mind terribly if i gave it a suck? You could humiliate us both if you'd like..
Ms.hardhulk Haha no, probably all he deserves anyway
I have a small penis, will I ever measure up? Time for the truth
I have a small penis, will I ever measure up? T ...
littledickwanker jay My tiny penis will never be able to measure up and that's why i'm a 50 yo virgiin wanker.
Women react to seeing an 8 inch erection
Women react to seeing an 8 inch erection
You must jerk off a lot
You must jerk off a lot
littledickwanker jay YUP i jerk off a lot more than most guys! i'm a two finger tugger and porno-junky gooner.
Small penises get to jerk off alone for life
Small penises get to jerk off alone for life
littledickwanker jay YUP, total jerk-off here all my life !
Hubby’s a Pussy
Hubby’s a Pussy
cjack I would love that scenario. So hot!!! I think he'd really like to watch you take my cock and...
Ms.hardhulk I think he would love seeing my eyes roll back as a long dick stroked in and out. One of th...
cjack Right! We'd all have a great time!
Truth about having sex with a small penis
Truth about having sex with a small penis
How all women react to small penises
How all women react to small penises
lee778 I need to get used to that sign too.
littledickwanker jay The small penis sign is how 100% of women react when they see mine. YUP, Size matters.
Fucking pencil dick chink
Fucking pencil dick chink
Huge fat white cock will always be better than your small penis
Huge fat white cock will always be better than ...
PieDyeCry i have a skinny little pin dick, im nothing compared to him
unfuckable He might be even bigger than me, I guess...
74u2 Watch me and him fuck ur wife
Sissy Webcam Trainers
Taiwan tiny dick exposed
Taiwan tiny dick exposed
cjack It’s very cute. Nice abs. Now come suck daddy cock!
latintx Mmmmm I love tiny dicks…I’d love to service you 😋
Taiwan tiny dick loser exposed
Taiwan tiny dick loser exposed
Small penises don’t get hand jobs
Small penises don’t get hand jobs
littledickwanker jay i've never gotten an hj or bj. But i chronicallly and compulsively wank my micro wee wee wit...
Btiny I've been 2 finger tugging now for 2 years! I wish someone would tug it for me
Small wieners don’t get sexy lips
Small wieners don’t get sexy lips
littledickwanker jay Speaking from experience, YES we deserve sph captions and jerk off sessions! Only our two fi...
Cucky I’ll never have a big cock…
Penis Ratings
Small penises deserve being permanently friend zoned
Small penises deserve being permanently friend ...
4 3
Tinydicksissyfag I Love being pussy free
mikejct79 Love being humiliated
Hitman49 Follow me an rate me pls
That small penis will never be near a vagina
That small penis will never be near a vagina
1 4
StarDegen im scared of vaginas, they're all so deep and they're so different from my male body.. im gl...
littledickwanker jay i'm so intimidated by pussy. Cunts are so cavernous. Real men with big cocks fill cunts up ...
Hitman49 I hate to say I never had any pussy just licked some
Guys with small penises must wear panties now
Guys with small penises must wear panties now
lesloups01 So true. But they feel nicer too 😊
littledickwanker jay I make less of a bulge in panties than women do !
sissyjuliegurl Just seems and feels right
Women dont want men with small penises
Women dont want men with small penises
1 8
3inchpindick I know I been told a lot that no woman wants me
sandeepindia check my size good for you
littledickwanker jay O dear, even her toes are bigger and thicker than my virgin micro wee wee !
Show your penis to women online
Share his tiny dick to the world Make him famous
Share his tiny dick to the world Make him famous
smalldickwhiteboy I would suck your cock and be your bitch
naughtylockedup nice body
(Repin) All cucky gets is SPH!
(Repin) All cucky gets is SPH!
Please share and repin this everywhere! My micropenis locked in the tiniest cage available. It’s ...
Please share and repin this everywhere! My micr ...
Panties fit perfect
Panties fit perfect
Littledickjay taking the measure..
Littledickjay taking the measure..
This is how most tiny dicks masturbate
This is how most tiny dicks masturbate
littledickwanker jay YES for example I use just my thumb and middle finger.
Branwanker I use thumb middle and index fingers. If I try to grip I can’t get much stroke at all.
You know your dick is pathetic when this guy is bigger
You know your dick is pathetic when this guy is ...
Cj00991 Is my dick pathetic
mikeylittlebonerboy Fuck his is bigger by a good few inches and he looks likena bitch : (


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