SPH Captions

Discover endless SPH Captions covering a range of topics dealing with small penis humiliation. For those that are wondering, an SPH Caption is basically the result of mixing words with images, similar to a meme but far hotter.

You are a loser with a tiny dick
You are a loser with a tiny dick
littledickwanker jay Now tell me something i don't know...?
Precisedb30 Not me!!!!
Teri compared his tiny dick to real man cock and got owned
Teri compared his tiny dick to real man cock an ...
Stubbyhalfinch1 My ex girlfriend and I was playing strip poker with a friend of mine. When he pulled his und...
littledickwanker jay Josh has a gorgeous big thick cock ! Gosh if Terry's not up to the task, i'm more than capab...
String11 Is hot this pic! Mmmmmm
Guys with small penises are banned from touching boobs caption
Guys with small penises are banned from touchin ...
Tiny dick comparison caption
Tiny dick comparison caption
1 2
littledickwanker jay Not only am i used to getting SPH i crave it and deserve it !
Terry the Fairy Same here. SPH is sex for me now.
Pump that puny cock for mistress
Pump that puny cock for mistress
2 4
Sissy Donna I am always ready!
Sissydominator Love this little cock you have
Sissydominator So tiny its laughable
Beta Bitch Clit is What BBC Really Means
Beta Bitch Clit is What BBC Really Means
Cruel chastity mistress turns you into pussy free slave
Cruel chastity mistress turns you into pussy fr ...
Sissydominator Secretly i hide away my tiny little dick
Sissy Donna shows her tiny clit dick for the world to see
Sissy Donna shows her tiny clit dick for the wo ...
1 1
Sissy Donna I can’t believe I’m that small.
For those with little sissy clitty cocklettes
For those with little sissy clitty cocklettes
Sissy Donna I shared mine, Mistress, with a “tiny” addition…, and a link to your website. I’m so humili...
Your dick doubled is still too small
Your dick doubled is still too small
SissyPantyWaist I can totally relate to both women and men rejecting me for my tiny clitty. That's why I hav...
Terry the Fairy That's rough lol
Terry the Fairy Prob how we're both better off. Just become sissy betas and submit to hot girls and big dick...
Sissy Webcam Trainers
Girlfriend keeps giving her big dick former boyfriend blowjobs
Girlfriend keeps giving her big dick former boy ...
littledickwanker jay littledickjay is the poster boi for "tiny dick cuckold life"!
Look at his big dick and then look down at your little loser
Look at his big dick and then look down at your ...
littledickwanker jay Were it not for alpha cocks i would never see nude women.
Sissy Madison Made me cry and cum
Terry the Fairy For real? Wholly shit you're a gooner bitch too then
Your penis too tiny for sex
Your penis too tiny for sex
littledickwanker jay SHE's correct of course; my tiny micropeepee can't penetrate her pussy or ass.
Enjoy getting rejected loser
Enjoy getting rejected loser
littledickwanker jay Rejection is overarching characteristic of my sexlife; i am a tiny dick loser
Cocksucking-sissy Compared to my wife’s dildo I’m so tiny. She said all I’m good for is sucking cock.
Penis Ratings
Your tiny wimpy little dick
Your tiny wimpy little dick
littledickwanker jay Honestly i prefer the total humiliation of being so very inadequate to please you sexually. ...
This is why they all dumped him for big thick dicks
This is why they all dumped him for big thick dicks
1 8
Sissy Donna They deserve real men giving them what I never can. I deserve big dildos, or cocks of men wh...
Cucky That loser dick deserves to get cucked
His girlfriend said he has a micro penis
His girlfriend said he has a micro penis
1 1
littledickwanker jay YUP, his ex wife Patti can confirm that littledickwanker Jay has a diagnosed micropenis. "He...
Omg he has a tiny micro dick
Omg he has a tiny micro dick
littledickwanker jay And others don't even try to hide their amusement...
Show your penis to women online
Your penis is just not big enough
Your penis is just not big enough
littledickwanker jay i know! That's why i'm on my knees masturbating for you like a frenzied monkey!
I love you and all but your dick is really small
I love you and all but your dick is really small
1 1
littledickwanker jay Given the choide Cuckolded would be my preferred status.
She only told Becky about your little penis
She only told Becky about your little penis
littledickwanker jay Like Patti , she told everybody who knew us!
Sissy Dick Donna Reveals Official SYTD Club Card
Sissy Dick Donna Reveals Official SYTD Club Card
Micro penis packing sissy permanently exposed
Micro penis packing sissy permanently exposed
Cucky (Sissy Donna) Thank you! That is so true. I am glad my micro penis has been officially exposed!
Packing less than 6 inches of hard cock
Packing less than 6 inches of hard cock
2 6
Juliegurl1 So much smaller
MikeSmall2.0 when hard its 3,93 inches
No1tinydick 3.6inches when fully hard
They Call Me Skinny Dick Demetrius
They Call Me Skinny Dick Demetrius
dickieboy I think it's a good thing to post your face picture and your full name that way everyone kno...


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