SPH Captions

Discover endless SPH Captions covering a range of topics dealing with small penis humiliation. For those that are wondering, an SPH Caption is basically the result of mixing words with images, similar to a meme but far hotter.

Big White Cock vs Kyle’s Micro Clit Cock
Big White Cock vs Kyle’s Micro Clit Cock
1 2
sissytanyakane The one on the left is magnificent, the other should be caged permanently.
DumbPet This is so hot. I tried posting my cock to the site but i dont think anyone can see it.
Your penis is too small to make girls cum
Your penis is too small to make girls cum
sissy_liv Ohh yes, I wanna be branded as a small limp dick loser for life.
Sissy Danni Of course it is. That,s why I rub it like a clitty and cum in my panties!
littledickwanker jay But all the girls know littledickwankerJAY loves having a small tiny micro penis. They know ...
Someone is tugging his little dick
Someone is tugging his little dick
1 7
littledickwanker jay whereas littledickjay can either rub his micro wee wee like it's a woman's clit, or pinch an...
Baby dick Yep 😩
Subbie Slave Boi I do as much as possible.
Your small penis made her cheat
Your small penis made her cheat
1 1
littledickwanker jay my micropenis is of course totally useless to HER. i encourage HER to expose my tiny micro p...
Micro dick losers do not deserve pussy
Micro dick losers do not deserve pussy
3 5
Cucky So do I. And yes we do deserve it.
Harry99bob I agree they should not get with someone as good as you
Pussy Free Versus Cuckold
Pussy Free Versus Cuckold
sissy_liv Both please Goddess.
littledickwanker jay No sweat here, i'm both! Lifetime pussy free and a lifetime cuckold !
Small wieners don’t get sexy lips
Small wieners don’t get sexy lips
littledickwanker jay Speaking from experience, YES we deserve sph captions and jerk off sessions! Only our two fi...
Cucky I’ll never have a big cock…
Asian man receives penis reduction certificate
Asian man receives penis reduction certificate
Small dick jocks Small dick club. I bet Asians have the largest memberships. No pun intended.
30 Days in Chastity
30 Days in Chastity
Tonya Jane I'm on day 53
Hottie used witchcraft to shrink your penis
Hottie used witchcraft to shrink your penis
Sissy Webcam Trainers
Penis Shrinkage: Drawing Down Technique
Penis Shrinkage: Drawing Down Technique
Michael Cordero Does this really have some kind of affect over time that is similar to 90+ days in small cag...
Ifuckmyhand I was in chastity 2yrs went from a 8" man cock getting pussy all the time to a 2 1/2 inch si...
Before and After Chastity Penis Shrinking
Before and After Chastity Penis Shrinking
Stud gets big dick shrunk in chastity
Stud gets big dick shrunk in chastity
Bigcock7877 What 7 inch cock
Two Finger Tug Club Members Only
Two Finger Tug Club Members Only
1 9
Mikey87 I’m a shrimp dick loser. I’m a proud member
Tinydboi2 I'd say jay is the one I first seen posting about tugging between his finger and thumb. Ther...
littledickwanker jay Right you are Tinydboi. i am a pathetic loser and i've been a two finger tugger all my life....
Penis Ratings
3 Inch and Under Boner Club
3 Inch and Under Boner Club
1 1
littledickwanker jay I'm barely two inches erect ! I will never deserve sex !
Expose your tiny dick
Expose your tiny dick
1 7
Amber -shade_bbcsissy Just made one of these hehe
Tinyandexposed3inch I just made mine. Can’t wait for it to be posted and laughed at
Tinyold4 I’m out there as a tiny loser too
Tiny dick premature ejaculates while putting on panties
Tiny dick premature ejaculates while putting on ...
ballsontheline2000 What a tiny little clit of a dick. You are a sissy on her way to total feminization.
smalldickwhiteboy Love your tiny wennie
Tinyold4 A real clit dick you have
Pinky Dick Alert Caption
Pinky Dick Alert Caption
2 2
littledickwanker jay YES i do ! My erection is even smaller than your pinky !
Redy1 Come look at my pathetic dick I need followers so I can be humiliated
Show your penis to women online
Nobody wants a man with a little penis
Nobody wants a man with a little penis
littledickwanker jay Me, LittledickJAY is proof. i've never even had a hand-job or blow-job and probably never wi...
Tinydick69 My girlfriend fucks around and I don't mind
Small dicks are for cucking
Small dicks are for cucking
littledickwanker jay Debbie M. and Inez W. knew that my tiny micro wee wee was for cucking. Their boyfriends/bull...
The Day Denver Shoemaker Decided to Get Breast Implants
The Day Denver Shoemaker Decided to Get Breast ...
1 1
Sissy Denver Wow um that was the hottest thing I've ever read!
Great tongue? Just say you have a tiny penis
Great tongue? Just say you have a tiny penis
Don johnson True. And by the way , I have a great tongue.
Kyle’s side penis profile is shocking and not in a good way
Kyle’s side penis profile is shocking and ...
That is not a 7 inch boner
That is not a 7 inch boner
What everyone said about your penis is true
What everyone said about your penis is true
1 2
littledickwanker jay ABsolutely, false.... I have a two inch boner !
FaggotBoiBri97 Yes I Validate this as definitely 💯 true


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