SPH Captions

Discover endless SPH Captions covering a range of topics dealing with small penis humiliation. For those that are wondering, an SPH Caption is basically the result of mixing words with images, similar to a meme but far hotter.

Stroke that little dick to feet and stay pussy free
Stroke that little dick to feet and stay pussy free
SmallPGuy I certainly will. I’d love to be featured on your page too!
Four Inches? But that’s so big!
Four Inches? But that’s so big!
oggbert77 must be nice haha
unfuckable To be with Her all day would be the best day of my life, even under these circumstances - an...
Sissette ninette IT grows 4.5 but if a mistress like you touch it with fingers sissygasm in max 10sec
Uh Oh My Dinky Dick is in the System Now
Uh Oh My Dinky Dick is in the System Now
littledickwanker jay Uhm... er...Welcome?
Phinchy60 Always nice to see new members - welcome
Only small penises jerk off like this
Only small penises jerk off like this
littledickwanker jay What about "guys" like me who jerk off with their thumb and middle finger?
Extra small chastity cage life
Extra small chastity cage life
3in vs 5in Dicks
3in vs 5in Dicks
1 7
MikeSmall What? 5 inches is too small? I just have 3,93 inches 😳
littledickwanker jay Gosh Yes ! I luv watching and wanking my micro wee wee while beautiful girls service big bea...
Tinyold4 I’m 3” and know it’s useless for sex always wished for 5” but that too not good enough, pus...
His BWC is gonna fill your wife with cum
His BWC is gonna fill your wife with cum
bi_fun_guy10 I'd be fine with it only If I could clean both of them afterwards...
SmallOnetosuck I'd fill her
cjack Deal, I'll make her squirt and then cum in her and you can clean us both!
Lick old pussy while getting your small penis humiliated
Lick old pussy while getting your small penis h ...
SmallPGuy I would love for this to happen to me!!
littledickwanker jay SHE's so Hot. She'd never have sex with my tiny micro penis. But HER verbal abuse would keep...
MikeSmall of course i would lick her pussy and Ass too if she want it 😳
Redhead Goddess: Your small penis wont make it past my butt cheeks
Redhead Goddess: Your small penis wont make it ...
cjack It'll reach and that ass is gorgeous!!!!
littledickwanker jay Of course my tiny micro penis can’t reach your pussy from the back or the front. Please Ma’a...
SmallPGuy My tiny peepee won’t make it but I’d love to bury my face in between your cheeks and eat you...
Your small penis is already in?! Nooo
Your small penis is already in?! Nooo
Sissy Webcam Trainers
Chronic masturbator chastised in public
Chronic masturbator chastised in public
grimesj17 hi sph, my small willy is looking for a gorgeous goddess like you to remind me its useless, ...
Your tiny dick is leaking? Lick it up
Your tiny dick is leaking? Lick it up
1 4
SmallOnetosuck I will definitely lick up my cum. From my little one
Bimbo Tori Oh God so hot
MikeSmall i would do 😳
Your penis is a loser
Your penis is a loser
littledickwanker jay Yup, even under a microscope i'm a tiny dick loser~
Penis is too small for the showers
Penis is too small for the showers
Penis Ratings
Little Christmas Cocklette?! – SPH Captions
Little Christmas Cocklette?! – SPH Captions
1 1
SmallPGuy Mmmm, I would love this to happen on Christmas morning
Keep Your Penis Limp and Little – SPH Captions
Keep Your Penis Limp and Little – SPH Cap ...
1 3
SissiErica slut I would love to do live sph cam When can I do it?
SPH JOI Anytime you wanna: https://www.freakden.com/board/sph-dommes-female-dick-domination/19075/
littledickwanker jay i was never average - not even close ! i have always had a tiny micro loser wee wee !
His dick is so much bigger than yours
His dick is so much bigger than yours
littledickwanker jay Yes, Debbie often looked at me knowingly while SHE was getting fucked by Charles and i was w...
Your penis is so small! No Christmas cookies or nookie for you
Your penis is so small! No Christmas cookies or ...
littledickwanker jay The "no nookie" i expected but "no cookies" is a bummer.
Show your penis to women online
Now you have a certified micropenis
Now you have a certified micropenis
1 3
littledickwanker jay YUP I was first diagnosed with micropenis by an andrologist when i was young. Later it was c...
Tiny dick83 I have a micro penis: 7 inches erect
littledickwanker jay 7 inches erect ! And you think you have a micropenis. Sorry, champ, you're more than 4 inche...
Finally a dick pic over 6in
Finally a dick pic over 6in
cjack You're welcome. That tiny mouth would look hot stretched around my fat cock head!
Cuckolding girlfriend texts you a reality check
Cuckolding girlfriend texts you a reality check
1 7
robynbankzcd Nope! Smaller dicks are way more beautifully suckable.
littleclitty89 Damn that’s a nice thick cock can I see if it makes me gag
cockfever Hey, you can try me, I want to be your cuckold !
That raging boner is a big disappointment
That raging boner is a big disappointment
latintx Oooh I love it…love to feel that raging boner in my tight hole 🍑😉
Nothing sexually fun about a fun size penis
Nothing sexually fun about a fun size penis
Your small Asian penis is not enough
Your small Asian penis is not enough
It takes bravery to show your acorn dick at a nude beach
It takes bravery to show your acorn dick at a n ...
1 1
littledickwanker jay For an unfuckable tiny dick virgin i get told to "fuck off" quite often ! How ironic is that?


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