SPH Captions

Discover endless SPH Captions covering a range of topics dealing with small penis humiliation. For those that are wondering, an SPH Caption is basically the result of mixing words with images, similar to a meme but far hotter.

Beta dick bitch will remain a virgin forever
Beta dick bitch will remain a virgin forever
littledickwanker jay YUP i am a little needle dick beta bitch virgin.!
Little dicks struggle to reach past ass cheeks
Little dicks struggle to reach past ass cheeks
Pepper little bitch Wow that's right 😫
littledickwanker jay Little beta dicks were never intended for sex. i've never even had an instinct to fuck pussy...
Tough break on the small penis
Tough break on the small penis
Beta bitch dicks get zero pussy
Beta bitch dicks get zero pussy
littledickwanker jay YUP i am a little dick beta bitch virgin.!
Clit dick cuckold watches wife take much bigger cock
Clit dick cuckold watches wife take much bigger ...
No woman in her right mind wants a small penis
No woman in her right mind wants a small penis
littledickwanker jay SHE's of course correct. My tiny micropenis has never had a hand job or a blow job.
Small chode penis looks like a pimple
Small chode penis looks like a pimple
littledickwanker jay YES i have a chode. My tiny, ugly micropenis has more girth than length - which is the defin...
Tiny cocks are unfuckable and gross
Tiny cocks are unfuckable and gross
Gerb That's right. I have been pussy free many years. I like to masturbate daily and trying ejacu...
The chastity cage is not too small
The chastity cage is not too small
I had no idea a penis could be that small
I had no idea a penis could be that small
littledickwanker jay i surprise girls all the time. They can't believe how tiny my micro wee wee actually is.!
Tiny dick83 what do you think of my little cock
Ifuckmyhand Mine is only 2 1/2 inches
Sissy Webcam Trainers
Sissy Donna is rocking a clit for a cock
Sissy Donna is rocking a clit for a cock
Brutal dick ratings
Brutal dick ratings
Women react to seeing an 8 inch erection
Women react to seeing an 8 inch erection
Can I see your penis? Show it to me
Can I see your penis? Show it to me
littledickwanker jay So many times i've heard the exclamation "EWW" when i've shown women my tiny shriveled micro...
Penis Ratings
Your hard dick is a joke
Your hard dick is a joke
Gerb Pls say my dick is too small and useless.
MikeSmall2.0 I'm sorry for my tiny Dick. It's locked permanently since yesterday.
littledickwanker jay YES YES , i'm a micropenis. My erect "dick" is barely two inches. i am pathetic, a joke..
Small penis and no confidence? Keep crying
Small penis and no confidence? Keep crying
littledickwanker jay i was born with a tiny micropenis and gradually developed no confidence in my ability to sat...
Tinyold4 That literally is me born with a tiny cock , confidence smashed by humiliating comments and ...
Cuckold little dick loser
Cuckold little dick loser
1 1
EricaFromAtlanta Love her purple hair.
You must jerk off a lot
You must jerk off a lot
littledickwanker jay YUP i jerk off a lot more than most guys! i'm a two finger tugger and porno-junky gooner.
Show your penis to women online
Your dick is too small for her
Your dick is too small for her
3 6
Gerb Yes, I tell my dick is tiny and cannot fuck. Licking only.
SissyPantyWaist Well yes and that I want to be like her. I want to have big boobs, a sexy ass in a tight to ...
Wanker-Boi I don't need to tell myself, but I would love her to tell me my penis is too small for her, ...
Everyone should humiliate small impotent cocks
Everyone should humiliate small impotent cocks
MikeSmall2.0 Gosh, why is this turning me on so much?
Tinyold4 You are right no one cares I can’t get my micro dick hard for longer than a few seconds and ...
Wanker-Boi Me too, and then my older sister and her friends
We never knew penises came that small
We never knew penises came that small
1 2
littledickwanker jay See how much i can teach you, girls !
MikeSmall2.0 I'm sorry for my tiny Dick
Chastity training paid off for Dinky Dick Donna
Chastity training paid off for Dinky Dick Donna
Damn you do have a small penis
Damn you do have a small penis
MikeSmall2.0 Yes 😳
Tiny dick83 Yes My Penis it’s very very small πŸ˜‚πŸ€πŸ˜‚
Denver Shoemaker rocks perfect swimsuit for his small thin clit cock
Denver Shoemaker rocks perfect swimsuit for his ...
Cuckold finds out why wife picked her bull
Cuckold finds out why wife picked her bull


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