SPH Captions

Discover endless SPH Captions covering a range of topics dealing with small penis humiliation. For those that are wondering, an SPH Caption is basically the result of mixing words with images, similar to a meme but far hotter.

See which step of the small dick loser stairs you are on
See which step of the small dick loser stairs y ...
Tinyold4 I’m definitely with littledickwanker on the steps of tiny loser
Everywhere I look reminds me of your small penis
Everywhere I look reminds me of your small penis
unfuckable Well, at least I made an impression, it seems. Most Women totally ignore me...
Limp Dick Loser im actually smaller - so thanks for the compliment!
Your tiny wiener is embarrassing to look at
Your tiny wiener is embarrassing to look at
littledickwanker jay When i was younger i was always too embarrassed to show girls my tiny micropenis and consequ...
Finding out your penis is the smallest ever
Finding out your penis is the smallest ever
littledickwanker jay Girls have told me they've never seen a penis quite that small before as mine. But they've n...
Tiny dick83 my dick is really small
Rub your little penis like you are a girl
Rub your little penis like you are a girl
SissyAJ I know that's right!
littledickwanker jay i love SPH. i never stroked like a real man;, i pinch and wiggle my micro wee wee while enjo...
Micro dick had to streak through sorority row
Micro dick had to streak through sorority row
unfuckable This has always been my worst fear of a nigthmare. But the recent years I've realized this w...
My bull lover has a huge white cock, you have a pinky dick
My bull lover has a huge white cock, you have a ...
littledickwanker jay Please, tell me more while i wank my pinky winky !
Your penis really is way too small
Your penis really is way too small
You can’t even get that little dick hard
You can’t even get that little dick hard
His penis was too small to feel anything
His penis was too small to feel anything
shrimpdickloserfaggot i heard this a lot of times
unfuckable Never had this reaction, but only got that far with one Woman in my life, and it turned out ...
Sissy Webcam Trainers
Tugging at your little pee pee
Tugging at your little pee pee
sissy_liv I'm rubbing my little limp dick like a clit! Please let me cum Goddess! I'll do anything!
littledickwanker jay i'm not a real man; i do rub my peepee just like a woman masturbates her clit !
Small Asian peanut dick gets his yearly release
Small Asian peanut dick gets his yearly release
Loser penises are not meant for sex
Loser penises are not meant for sex
1 5
littledickwanker jay No, no, please ! Not the cage !
unfuckable Thank You for explaining. Now it all makes sense.
Tinyold4 This is my life
You try hard but your small wiener will never be enough
You try hard but your small wiener will never b ...
sissy_liv My small wiener will never be enough for a woman. All I'll ever get is handpussy.
littledickwanker jay Thank you for this SPH gift. i'll be fucking my fingers all day!
Penis Ratings
Happy wives have big dicks to suck
Happy wives have big dicks to suck
String11 Fantastic
You are sweet but still a small dick loser
You are sweet but still a small dick loser
Precisedb30 I would slap my fat dick on those cheeks. That’s a nice butt.
Tiny twitchy dicks would not last 30 seconds
Tiny twitchy dicks would not last 30 seconds
Tinyold4 So true for me
Your dick looks small through your pants
Your dick looks small through your pants
Show your penis to women online
That 4 inch boner will never be long enough
That 4 inch boner will never be long enough
littledickwanker jay my 2 inch boner belongs in panties !
Why lie? That boner is not 6 inches
Why lie? That boner is not 6 inches
littledickwanker jay i never lie about my micro peepee size; though I'm ashamed and humiliated to admit it's bare...
Is that as big as your penis gets? Ouch
Is that as big as your penis gets? Ouch
How women react seeing a small penis
How women react seeing a small penis
1 1
littledickwanker jay my tiny micro peepee makes girls hysterical with laughter ! i encourage SPH...
Making you a humiliated micro dick chastised sissy
Making you a humiliated micro dick chastised sissy
The only purpose tiny dick beta males have
The only purpose tiny dick beta males have
littledickwanker jay i've certainly served my purpose !
How to ruin a first date for a woman in 4 words
How to ruin a first date for a woman in 4 words
littledickwanker jay "i have a micropenis"!
Tinyold4 It’s definitely done so for me . One woman told me to show her and she decided it wasn’t ...
Tinyold4 Stopped my attempts and just left me


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