Got humiliated, dumped and kicked all at the same time.

Hello so this is the story of my recent hookup. I usually don’t do hookups anymore thanks to my barely 3 inch pecker but a girl took intrest in me and wanted to take me out. I did warn her that I’m not that guy but she reassured me saying that she thinks that size doesn’t matter and even if I don’t perform well, she would still be okay.

Now fast forward to when I actually dropped my pants in front of her. I distinctly remember her saying this line, ‘wow, I knew you were small but shit…umm…yeah’. She tried to be respectful at first but the more she hesitated to fully accrpt how small I am, the harder I became. She kinda got the point that I like humiliation so she said in a mocking voice, ‘You know why I feel weird? Cause that’s a fucking dick that even a baby won’t envy’. I got so aroused after that. 

I later on told about my feet fetish, my sissy fetish and all and she smiled and put her feet on my face and as I began licking it like an animal, she kicked me on my face and said, ‘Do you actually feel this is hot? Like are you even a fucking man?’ Slowly she got the idea of how big of a loser I am so she just kept making jokes of my tiny dick and pinched it with two fingers and pushed it back in by one finger and laughed uncontrollably. It sure was humiliating but one thing it affirmed is that I love humiliation and being submissive. 

She of course dumped me but she does see me sometimes to check on me and make fun of me occasionally. She even gifted me a pair of diapers to put my ‘baby’dick in it.

I think I was born to be a loser and I am so happy that I got such a tiny dicklet. It literally makes my life so much better.