Inexperienced Women Need Small Penis Awareness!
It has come the time to say it; Inexperienced women need small penis awareness started early. Many college girls, even some of my own friends fell into the trap of hooking up with guys that had a small penis, not because they wanted to but because they didn’t know any better and believed their claims that their penises were average!
Make sure to spread small penis awareness everywhere you can and to any female friend or family member that you feel needs to be made aware for their own well being.
Need more motivation? Look at the poor college student above thinking that she is giving an average dick a blowjob because of his lies and her own lack of awareness. Now she’ll need to cope with that incident the rest of her life, the humiliation and the regret is everlasting.
Yes better sex education is needed, then girls wouldnt make this terrible mistake and small guys would not embarrass themselves trying to fuck or presenting themselves to a woman who knows the difference.
Exactly! I knew you’d see it my way.