Jeffrey Rossman, a sissy faggot from Connecticut, outed and seen completely nude for maximum embarrassment
I am Jeffrey Rossman from outside Danbury, Connecticut near the New York state line having to publicly admit I am a sissy faggot who shaves his legs, wears panties, pantyhose, skirts, leggings and high heels. I am being seen completely naked with my shaved legs,my tiny and hairless penis and my face in full view without any makeup or wig to hide under so there will be no doubt who I really am and I will be fully named and exposed all over the internet so everyone, even my family and friends, will know I am a sissy faggot and I will have no place to run or hide. I know it will only be a matter of time before someone I know confronts me and he or she will ask, “Jeffrey, a friend saw your pic on admitting you are a sissy faggot. Is that really true? You really prefer boys?”