sissy gurl friends

Aug 25, 2024 Day 3, Sissy Wave Forever:  Another sissy day begins;  Kram usually awakes first, makes his plans and then I SissyMmarsha after a late night awakens groggily and when I realize what Kram is up , I shut him down.Kram wants to dominate this body we both reside in, but has long ago shown that he does not have the courage or strength to do so.  I am so sissified , I love it, I am here now forever, yep that simple!  How did this happen to me you ask?  under stress, I sought releiif from porn.  The porn industry has many entry points to ensnare the weak minded by desin or by influence.  Most will never understand this sissification and for that I am greatfull, you don’t want to understand it.  Stop reading this and run, and if you can’t then join the sissy or daddy train destination sissyland forever!  I am so fucking much a sissy,  I just may of sealed my sissy fate!  I am such a sissy.  wow something weid just happened , I am not sure what to do.  I am sissy