Two finger tug club
When I first seen a porn where the girl made the guy tug his little dick it turned me on. That was 20 yrs ago!! Not till a couple of years ago did I start trying it but old masturbation styles are hard to stop.
It takes accepting what you are, in most are cases on here we have small dicks, we can’t satisfy women or men with penetration and I faked feeling good having sex with my ex’s but you know they really want more cock then you got. I always encouraged my ex’s to take on lovers, use toys opening up so many kinks in my mind and once I seen my ex with a toy twice my size taking it all the way in and I never heard her moan like that!! Which led me to cuckolding and was watching big cock porn.
What I’m saying is if you keep going you will end up becoming what you are and that is a beta loser that is for alpha males and dominant women to use if your lucky or be like me 7 yrs pussyfree shrunken limp clit using your finger and thumb to masturbate