Small Sleeping Peanut Penis on holiday wife sneaked a peak you can see the shadow of the camera!
It’s so cute. It’s balls with a head! I bet she can put her entire cock and balls in her mouth! So hot!!!! Making my cock hard!
Yes she can she can also do anal very well. She gets fasinated watching Big Cock Anal porn and makes the comment that must hurt!
Just have to go slow and work up to it with lots of encouragement and lube!đ
I just lube up and pop right it. I get what your saying Bigger cock more time more lube.
Bigger cock can feel good anally it just takes patience, practice, and progressive effort to expand the anus and to get used to it. So, it takes time. No popping it right in; that leads to hurting and injury!
I can appreciate that you and wifey are hetero. (I’m a bi crossdresser) You just happen to have a bod and penis that I would look for in a guy.
Source: via Littleone2010 on Freakden
It’s so cute. It’s balls with a head! I bet she can put her entire cock and balls in her mouth! So hot!!!! Making my cock hard!
Yes she can she can also do anal very well. She gets fasinated watching Big Cock Anal porn and makes the comment that must hurt!
Just have to go slow and work up to it with lots of encouragement and lube!đ
I just lube up and pop right it. I get what your saying Bigger cock more time more lube.
Bigger cock can feel good anally it just takes patience, practice, and progressive effort to expand the anus and to get used to it. So, it takes time. No popping it right in; that leads to hurting and injury!
I can appreciate that you and wifey are hetero. (I’m a bi crossdresser) You just happen to have a bod and penis that I would look for in a guy.