When you see a pretty girl, always tell yourself that your dick is too small for her because it is.
i always tell girls that my dick is too small for them. i even try and show HER !
I will do, i promise
Yes, I tell my dick is tiny and cannot fuck. Licking only.
is not that i yell myself that but with probably thousands of man willing to fuck her it would be a pity for her not to enjoy herself.
Well yes and that I want to be like her. I want to have big boobs, a sexy ass in a tight to me. I would love to dress like her and have pretty hair and make up
I don’t need to tell myself, but I would love her to tell me my penis is too small for her, as I wank my tiny dick in front of her.
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Source: via Show Your Tiny Dick on Freakden
i always tell girls that my dick is too small for them. i even try and show HER !
I will do, i promise
Yes, I tell my dick is tiny and cannot fuck. Licking only.
is not that i yell myself that but with probably thousands of man willing to fuck her it would be a pity for her not to enjoy herself.
Well yes and that I want to be like her. I want to have big boobs, a sexy ass in a tight to me. I would love to dress like her and have pretty hair and make up
I don’t need to tell myself, but I would love her to tell me my penis is too small for her, as I wank my tiny dick in front of her.