

Fat Vs. Thin Sissies - Hot men like to fuck hot women. I don't want to share my extremely good looking, muscular , 6'3" 270 pound college football player 10" erect cock 6" flaccid cock 52" chest 21" arms 34" waist body with some fat bloated whore and its sloppy Gunt/Mussy. I dont want to know what it feels like to put my dick inside a trash-bag stuffed full of lumpy mashed potatoes. Fat people can't wipe as well, either. The worst nightmare I could ever imagine is to have fat guy shit on my gorgeous cock because he was too fucking greedy for my dick to take proper precautions. Fat people demonstrate a lack of self respect or respect for others. You have this weird entitlement to have fantasies where a gorgeous muscled hung alpha comes and turns you into his bitch boi but you're fat, ugly (goes without saying), with cottage cheese ass/thighs/gut, acne everywhere, cheese growing in your Fromunda region and/or between your fat folds. What is that smell you all have btw? Is it because you have weird bedsores growing between your fat folds?

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